Ultrasound examination of the pelvic-femoral joint of the newborn

17 August

Congenital or acquired pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are common in children, the prevention and timely treatment of which can protect against minor further complications.

Congenital dysplasia of the thigh is a deformity caused by the underdevelopment of the pelvic joint and its connective tissues. Radiologist Tamar Pachuashvili talks about the diagnosis of congenital pelvic-femoral dysplasia.

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic-femoral joint of the newborn

The procedure is an ultrasound examination of the hip joint, which is completely safe for the health of the newborn. It is also a simple and short procedure, but very important because we diagnose pelvic joint dysplasia early, which can lead to complications such as leg cramps, pace, walking on toes, pain, restriction of movement and even possible early development of arthritis.

Early diagnosis has significantly improved the outcome of pelvic-femoral dysplasia, which has led to screening in the United Kingdom since 1969 for newborns at risk.

It is important to have the examination done 2-4 months before the femoral head is removed. By 6-12 months, the head of the thigh is stretched, which no longer allows us to conduct research.

Risk factors for pelvic-femoral dysplasia are: busy family history, pelvic presence of the fetus during pregnancy, dehydration, ankle curvature.

It has also been found that pelvic-femoral dysplasia is four times more common in girls than in boys.

Suspicious signs of pelvic-femoral dysplasia are:

  • Asymmetry of wrinkles on the thigh, which is manifested by different amounts of wrinkles on the right and left thigh
  • Restriction of carriage in the pelvic-femoral joint
  • Delayed walking (at 1.5 years of age)